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letter to parents 16th March 2020

Dear Parent/Carer,

Today we have shared a basic information session with our pupils in the form of a social story, about the Covid 19 virus. You can find this information on our website.

We have also been reviewing our attendance, and we do have pupils off school with flu like symptoms. As per Government directive, we are remaining open as we have no confirmed cases. In the event that we do have confirmed cases, current Government Guidance is as follows:

The childcare or educational setting will be contacted by the local Public Health Wales Health Protection Team to discuss the case, identify people who have been in contact with them and advise on any actions or precautions that should be taken. An assessment of each childcare or education setting will be undertaken by the Health Protection Team with relevant staff. Advice on the management of pupils or students and staff will be based on this assessment.

As you will all be aware, this is a rapidly changing, unprecedented position globally, and we can only act on the directives that we are being given to follow by the Government . However, please be reassured that we are taking all possible measures that we can to maintain hygiene at school and to keep the children in our care safe and calm. You can help by making sure that your child washes their hands before leaving the house and when they return home.

There are a number of meetings taking place today, both locally and nationally, and we hope to have further guidance after these have taken place.

If at any point you choose to keep your child at home, this will be understood. We just request that you keep us updated. Again, I would reiterate that you keep your child at home if they are showing any of the symptoms linked to Covid 19.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the staff for all their hard work in pulling together to keep our children and community as safe as we can at this time. They also have the same concerns for their own families.

Please be patient with us in this ever-changing time. We are doing our best and hope that you understand the reasons for any decisions that we are making.

Kindest regards,
Mrs R Barker

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