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Croeso i Dosbarth Llandudno

Croeso i Dosbarth Llandudno

Blwyddyn 6

Our Classroom Team: Miss. Byrne and Miss.  Daley

Medi/September 2023- Gorffennaf/July 2024

Summer Term Topic:

As we move into the Summer term, the last term at Trallwn Primary, the class will be working on lots of exciting projects. Our new class topic will be called ‘excellent engineers’ where we will be developing our scientific understanding of engineering processes. We will also be taking part in our school’s enterprise project where each class will design, create, sell and evaluate a product that they have made. Finally, we will be busy rehearsing and preparing the Year 6 leavers assembly.  


Transition with Cefn Hengoed will continue with Mrs. Parsons, who will continue to join us every other Tuesday. We will also visit Cefn Hengoed in the second part of the term for another face to face transition day. Those attending other secondary schools, we should get more information about transition days later on in the term. 


Homework will change slightly during the summer term to best support the preparation for the Year 6 leavers assembly; each week pupils will get a lyrics to learn, which we will practice in school. I will post the link to the version we will be using on Dojo.  Alongside these, learners will have a ‘menu of homework’, this will be sent home at the start of each term. Learners can decide when they return these, but all must be completed and returned before the next school holiday.  

For those who do not have access to a laptop or computer to complete the Mathletics tasks, additional time at lunchtimes (Monday – Thursday, 12:00 – 12:30pm) can be provided to support this. 

Spelling and times tables tests will be completed on Fridays.   

Important dates:

Tuesday 14th May – Oliver performance in school for pupils  

Thursday 16th May – Class photos  

Friday 24th May – End of half term  

27th May – 31st May – Half term  

Monday 3rd June – Borfa Residential  

Tuesday 11th June – Ospreys beach rugby event (Y6) 

Wednesday 19th June – Summer fete  

Thursday 27th June – North Wales sports day  

Friday 28th June – INSET day  

Wednesday 3rd July – Enterprise market stall (parents invited from 2:30pm) 

Tuesday 9th July – Transition at Cefn Hengoed 

Wednesday 17th July – Disco, leavers disco  

Friday 19th July – Leavers assembly and last day of school 

The last Friday of each month will be ‘dress down day’.  

Any additional dates of importance that arise during the term will be communicated via class Dojo

Important information:

Pupils will read to a member of staff at least once fortnightly, as most pupils are on larger novels books will be changed when they are completed. Please support your child by reading with them as much as possible.  

Our class P.E lessons will be on Friday afternoons with Mr. Jones, school P.E kits can be purchased from Bergoni and pupils are to come into school on Friday’s wearing their P.E kit.  

We are excited for the return of Miss. Phillips who will be joining us on a Friday to teach the Ukuleles. 

A range of fresh fruit is available every day as snack during break time, snack is 20p per day. 

If your child is ill then please inform the School Office on the first day of absence.

Please only bring essential items into school as our cloakrooms are very small. Your coat, bags and lunch. Please could you label all items clearly to avoid confusion, especially jumpers and cardigans!

IPay is now live to make payments for our residential to Borfa. 

Swimming will run during the first half term on a Wednesday, please ensure pupils have a swimming costume, goggles, a T-shirt and shorts to swim in. 

If you have any questions or queries then please private message us via Class Dojo or ring the School Office on 01792 792478.

Thank you!

Autumn Term Topic:

We will be starting our Autumn term by looking at our new class name: Llandudno. We will be researching the features and history of the area, as well as comparing Swansea to this seaside town. We will be using maps to locate Llandudno, as well as local census data to analyse and compare Swansea and Llandudno. 

For the remainder of the Autumn term our topic will be: Trailblazers! We will be delving deep into the history of the Victorians to understand how their ingenuity has shaped the UK as well as the rest of the world! We will be looking into Children’s Rights with the help of our school mascot Chloe and compare these to the rights of children in the Victorian era. We will also be looking at the inventions and creations developed in Victorian era and comparing them to modern technology. 


Transition with Cefn Hengoed will begin promptly, Mr. Rodr from Cefn Hengoed will be joining us fortnightly starting on Tuesday 25th of September until the end of term to teach us French. We will also be joined by Mrs. Parsons fortnightly, who will work Y6 to discuss transitioning to secondary school. 


Each week pupils in Year 6 will have homework assigned, one piece of spelling homework, one piece of mathematics and numeracy (usually assigned on Mathletics) and one piece of literacy. Homework will be set/sent home on a Friday and pupils will have till the following week to complete it. Alongside these, learners will have a ‘menu of homework’, this will be sent home at the start of each term. Learners can decide when they return these, but all must be completed and returned before the next school holiday.  

For those who do not have access to a laptop or computer to complete the Mathletics tasks, additional time at lunchtimes (Monday – Thursday, 12:00 – 12:30pm) can be provided to support this. 

Spelling and times tables tests will be completed on Fridays.   

Important dates:

September 29th – Harvest Festival at St Samlets Church 

October 11th – School photo day

October 13th – Wear Yellow Day 

October 20th – Super Learning Day 

October 23rd – Cefn Hengoed Transition day 

October 30th – November 6th – Half-Term 

November 6th 7th and 8th – Parents’ Evening 

November 10th – Class assembly 

November 17th – Children in Need  

December 8th – Christmas Dinner 

December 20th – Christmas Service/Class Party/ last day of term 

The last Friday of each month will be ‘dress down day’.  

Any additional dates of importance that arise during the term will be communicated via class Dojo.

Important information:

Pupils will read to a member of staff at least once fortnightly, as most pupils are on larger novels books will be changed when they are completed. Please support your child by reading with them as much as possible.  

Our class P.E lessons will be on Friday afternoons with Mr. Jones, school P.E kits can be purchased from Bergoni and pupils are to come into school on Friday’s wearing their P.E kit.  

We are excited for the return of Miss. Phillips who will be joining us on a Friday to teach the Ukuleles. 

A range of fresh fruit is available every day as snack during break time, snack is 20p per day. 

If your child is ill then please inform the School Office on the first day of absence.

Please only bring essential items into school as our cloakrooms are very small. Your coat, bags and lunch. Please could you label all items clearly to avoid confusion, especially jumpers and cardigans!

Leavers jumpers are now available to order directly from Bergoni using the link below: 

Trallwn Primary Leaver Sweatshirt 2024 (NON REFUNDABLE ITEM NO EXCHANGES)

If you have any questions or queries then please private message us via Class Dojo or ring the School Office on 01792 792478.

Thank you!




Croeso i Dosbarth Red Kites

Blwyddyn 5/6


Miss Bond & Mrs Garner welcome you to our #RedKites page

Medi/September 2021 – Gorffenaf/July 2022

The Y6 Leadership Team and Red Kites have started a new campaign called; ‘Manners Matter.’ Watch their film to find out more.

Summer 1

‘Design Dragons’

We are going to be VERY busy this term.  We are going to design and make our own Eco-Friendly Vehicles.

To inspire us, we visited the ‘Oriel Science’ workshop in Swansea.

We did the ‘Shape of Speed’ workshop:

How do engineers design cars to be
aerodynamically efficient? In this workshop pupils
study how the shape of vehicles influence their
speed by constructing their own model car.
It is based on Oriel Science’s ‘SURE car’, which is
an open-wheeler competitive racing car designed
by Swansea University students. In the workshop,
students will study forces and their applications.

Spring 2


The Red Kites have chosen to study the Growth of Swansea – to look at the architecture growth and changes as well as population changes.

As a part of our learning, we planned our own trip into Swansea to look at the amazing new architecture.

We travelled by train from Llansamlet Station!

We walked over the ‘Taco Bridge’, visited the new Swansea Arena and played in its Eco Park and even went up 28 floors in a lift in the Meridian Tower to have squash in the Sky Bar – we could see all across Swansea!

We are also growing potatoes in our locker room!!


We have harvested (picked) our potatoes!!

We had lots of fun washing them, preparing them (peeling, chopping, wrapping in foil, mashing) and finally EATING them!!

Our Real-Life Easter Chicks!

Leo and his Mum brought ‘Biscuit’ a silkie hen into meet Red Kites.

They have also leant us an incubator and some of their silkie eggs to try to see if we can watch them hatch!!

Leo’s mum brought in a special torch to ‘candle’ the eggs to check which are fertile. 4 eggs are fertile

Watch Thanos hatch!!


Spring 1

Fair Aware

This term Red Kites and all of TPS learners will be thinking about being: ‘Fair Aware’.

We will find out all about Fair Trade.

We will talk about food and farming all around the world.

We will be exploring the problems facing farmers because of climate change.

Take time as a family to talk about what you already know about farming and fair trade. Then talk about what you’d like to find out about fair trade, farming and climate and share any ideas you may have for activities, books, visits etc.

You can either print the sheet below and write on it or share ideas in an email to me.

learner voice fair aware

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!!




Remembrance 2021

Due to current guidance, friends and families were not able to join us for our class assembly…but as a special treat, we’ve recorded all our parts and share them here with you.

#RedKites, you have made me VERY proud today.


Harvest Festival

Y Cynhaeaf

Here are the Red Kites performing a ‘Harvest Homophones’ poem.

We all tried some squash, turnips and thyme, both uncooked and as a soup!


Croeso Nol

Welcome Back to school

We will now meet each morning on the main playground and enter the school all together at 8:50a.m.

Autumn 2021

Our first learning context will be ‘Power & Identity’.

We will be asking questions such as:  ‘Who am I?’  and ‘Who are we?’


Croeso i Dosbarth Topaz ~ Blwyddyn 4/5

September 2020 – July 2021




Summer Term 2021

This term we are going to be ‘Lost in a World of Pure Imagination’.

Literature fires imagination and inspires creativity

We are going to get lost in the world of ‘Ant Clancy Games Detective’ by the Welsh author Ruth Morgan.


Spring Term 2021

Daily LIVE check-in sessions 

9:30am Monday to Friday #TeamTopaz will have a LIVE check-in session on Microsoft TEAMS.

Log in using your HWB email address.

(If you want to see all your class mates, you’ll need to download the TEAMS app to your device).

Go to J2E Shared Files/Hwb email/Class Dojo each day to access all your learning challenges and resources.

World Book Day 2021

Here’s a special World Book Day message from Wendy White the author.

Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus #TeamTopaz

Watch the video below for a VERY special St David's Day message for all Trallwn learners!

 March 2021

We are now sharing our Champion Challenges with Y3-Y3.

From March 1st-5th we have Challenges all based on Wales and Welsh culture to celebrate St David’s Day.

Go to J2E Shared Files/Hwb email/Class Dojo to get all the challenges and resources.

Spring 1 2021

#TeamTopaz have voted ‘Light and Dark’ for this term’s learning context.

Weekly Champion Challenges will be in your Shared Files on J2E on HWB, in your HWB emails and posted on our Class Dojo page.

Spelling, LLC and Maths tasks will be shared DAILY.



Lockdown Home Learning
All your work will be shared with you every day on our Class Dojo Page, in J2E Shared Files and emailed to your email address.  Please send me any questions you have on Class Dojo or by email:


Nadolig Llawen #TeamTopaz

Watch this movie of our year so far…

#TeamTopaz2020 Christmas Dance

#TeamTopaz2020  Home Learning


Christmas timetable

For ALL resources for each day, please check your HWB emails and the J2E Shared files.


#TeamTopaz2020 Isolation Home Learning


isolation timetable

Christmas Around the World Champion Challenges

Welsh Christmas Words






For all resources, check your email and our Class Dojo daily.


October Half-Term Challenges

#TeamTopaz2020 have made us so very very proud this term; settling back into school after such a long time away in a time of great change and uncertainty. Awesome job!!!

Time now for a break. 🙂

Below are some optional half-term challenges for those that wish to have some things to keep you busy during an unusual ‘lockdown’ half-term!! You can access and submit these challenges in our ‘Google Classroom’.

Click here:   Half term challenges



Harvest 2020

We cannot invite our families in to join us for our Harvest Festival this year, so here is #TeamTopaz2020 performing the Welsh poem 'Y Cynhaeaf' (The Harvest).



Walk to School 2020

We made posters reusing old cereal boxes to remind people to ‘Walk to School’ week beginning 19th October 2020!  Take a look at our posters:

Autumn 2020

Lliwiau’r Enfys

Topaz Autumn Pupil Voice Planning

Topaz Autumn Newsletter

A warm welcome back to school.

Miss Bond & Mrs Garner are your teachers this year.

Please use Class Dojo to send us any questions or to give us any information.



Croeso i Dosbarth Fluorite ~ Blwyddyn 4

September 2019-July 2020



Please share the following social story with your children to help explain the school closure and reassure them



Check-In, Catch Up, Prepare

Week beginning: 29th June 2020

#TeamFluorite, I have been in to move the furniture and set up your resources at your desks.  I used my tape measure to check we are all at least 2m apart.  The class is still bright and friendly…it’s just missing YOU!



When we are back in school week beginning 29th June, I will be teaching you how to have fun with a new digital tool called FLIPGRID.  It will allow you to create short videos to share with me and the class.

If you would like to have a try yourself at home before we come to school next week – I have created a ‘Hello#TeamFluorite’ where you can record videos to say hello.  You can add drawings and stickers to your videos – it’s LOTS of fun!   AmyLou has been helping me learn how to use Flipgrid, so you’ll see messages from her!  I will share the Flipgrid code for this practice grid on Class Dojo.  

Getting Started: Students

Students do NOT need to create Educator accounts
Students just need a Flip Code from their teacher to join Flipgrid and start recording videos. No accounts needed.

Joining a Grid (Flipgrid HELP video)

Step 1: Enter the Flip Code

You can go to on a computer. We recommend using Google Chrome for the best experience.


On mobile devices, download the free Flipgrid app for iOS and Android devices.

Your Flip Code is provided by your teacher to join the Grid. Enter the Flip Code exactly how your teacher provided. If you don’t know your Flip Code, please contact your teacher for assistance.

Step 2: Sign in to the Grid

You will join using your School HWB Email address.  If you can’t remember you hwb email address ask Miss Bond.

Recording a Video 

Once in a Grid, students click the green plus to record in three easy steps:

  1. Tap to record – Tap the record button on the bottom to start. Add fun stickers, filters, text, and more. Tap the arrow on the bottom right to advance.
  2. Review your video – Trim, rearrange, or add more. Tap the arrow in the bottom right to advance.
  3. Take a selfie – The selfie will be the cover image for your video. Tap the arrow in the bottom right to advance.
  4. Submit your video – Edit your name, add a title, or attach a link. Then submit!


Trallwnbury Festival

(15th June-26th June)

#TeamTrallwn, we are excited to share another set of WHOLE school Challenge-Missions with you all to cover home learning for the next two weeks based on a Trallwnbury Festival (a music, dance and arts festival).

We cannot wait to see your amazing creative projects.

Please share with Miss Bond.

Click here for the challenges:  TRALLWNBURY

#TeamTrallwn Trallwnbury Dance


The fabulous Zack Franks has choreographed our very own #TeamTrallwn Trallwnbury Festival Dance for us all to learn!

Here is the Trallwnbury 'Happy Dance' to Blinding Lights by The Weeknd.

Link Below:
 Trallwnbury Dance
The video includes a tutorial of how to perform the dance, however you can skip to 13:00 minutes if you wish to just copy the dance completed.

Empathy Week

(8th-12th June)

Here are our Missions for the week:  Empathy Week 2020

Please link to this page for more details:  Empathy Week


Fun Friday June 5th

j2message is an instant messaging tool, on HWB which we would like to use with our learners in Trallwn.  Please see a short introduction from HWB below:

“j2message enables teachers and learners to message each other in real time. A notification is sent when a new message is available. Teachers may select either school, class, or individual users, to send a message. Pupils may message a teacher, and a teacher can choose to share that message with a class, if they wish. Messages can be deleted but will always be available for all teachers via the audit log button on the j2dashboard.”

We are aware that your children are missing their friends, therefore we will aim to engage with our classes informally on a ‘Fun Friday’.  There is a feature on j2message to allow all children to see each other’s messages in the class, so they will be able to engage with each other each week.  After their slot the chat will be ‘locked’ until the next ‘Fun Friday’ so the teachers are always monitoring the chat.  Please see the table below for your child’s class slot.

We aim to introduce this on Friday 5th June so the children can chat with their friends and their teacher.

‘Fun Friday’


Time Slot












June 1st-5th

#TeamTrallwn has voted for ‘Heroes and Villains’ as our next Mission focus.  Enjoy!

Heroes and Villains Missions KS2



May 18th-May 22nd

#TeamFluorite pupils suggested ‘Dinosaurs’ as our weekly Missions focus!

KS2 Dinosaur Missions



May 11th – May 15th

#TeamTrallwnKS2 voted for ‘WILD WORLD’ Missions

Wild World Missions

May 4th to May 8th

VE Day Missions

VE Day Missions



April 27th to May 1st

#TeamFluorite have voted for ‘Under the Sea’ as this week’s topic.

Sing a long to this happy song!

Here is the overview of the activities:

Under the Sea Missions

Here are resources to support you:

sea creatures Fact Cards Our-Oceans-Activity-Sheet


Floating Egg for adults




Welcome Back!

 ALL resources for Super Learning Family Week have been emailed to you and are also found here:

Super Family Learning Activities and Resources

Easter Break

Please read our  letter for the Easter Holidays.   Stay in touch with us!








Dylan Thomas Compeition:

As part of this year’s International Dylan Thomas Day, which is celebrated on 14 May each year, DylanED is inviting 8-11 year olds across Wales to take part in a very special competition.

The competition, which is entitled ‘My Favourite Dream’ is based around Dylan Thomas’ story A Visit to Grandpa’s.

Following in the footsteps of Swansea’s foremost writer and storyteller, the competition will look for children aged 8-11 to submit a short story (100 words), poem or picture of their own favourite dream.

Competition winners will receive a number of goodies including a trophy, framed copy of their work and goody bag. Selected entries will also feature in an online exhibition.

Entries should be submitted electronically by Friday 1st May to with the title ‘DylanED – my favourite dream.’

*Please note – due to current circumstances we are only able to accept entries electronically. 


Click here to get dancing:

Zack Franks Dance


If you want to share a smile with the older generation of our locality, you could send a rainbow picture or a postcard to our friends in Peniel Green Care Home, 216 Peniel Green Road, Llansamlet, Swansea SA7 9BD


Click below for Class Information Letter:


#TeamFluorite Home Learning Time Table.  Click on the link below:

Trallwn Primary School Daily Timetable Y3 4

Follow this link for FREE downloadable resources to use at home.  Use the code ‘UKTWINKLHELPS’ to access their full range.


Here are some lovely stories to LISTEN to…

Listen to these stories

Click below for Spelling and Reading Home Learning Class log-in and Password:

Fluorite Oxford Owls Home Learning

Click to open OXFORD OWL

Click below to open Mathletics:

Click below to open Reading Buddies:

Click below to open HWB:

Click below to open ‘Hit the Button’ (maths games)

Click below for QR Codes to read our ‘Babs a Benja’ Welsh reading books (take a look at Blwch Hud)

QR codes Babs a Benja

Newyddion – Click below to see the Welsh news vocabulary help sheet.  This will help you to talk about what you have been doing, and even write a diary in Welsh!


Take a look at these reading books!

On line Books

Spring Term 1, the whole school have become ‘Eastside Tycoons’


Look at all our different ideas – we took a vote about what to make:

Fluorite Eastside Tycoons Pupil Voice


Spring Term 1, Fluorite Class  voted for the topic ‘Planet Unknown’ to find out about Aliens and Space.

Alien Seeds: We had a strange parcel arrive from Planet Eight asking Fluorite Class to help them cultivate their seeds – they even sent us all the equipment we needed!

We visited Plantasia in Parc Tawe to take part in the ‘Easy Peasy Seed Germination workshop’- What does a seed need to germinate?  We thought we’d ask an expert!

Please follow the links below to keep up-to-date with our class information:

Fluorite January newsletter

Medium Term planning fluorite Spring 2020 website
