Croeso i Dosbarth Bangor
Year 4

Welcome to Dosbarth Bangor
PE days are Wednesday
Swimming day will also be Wednesday starting on June 12th
Our topic this term is ‘The Great Outdoors’. We will be focussing on the work of the RNLI and visiting the station in Mumbles to find out more.
Here are some of the other things we have planned to learn about:
Mumbles – seaside village
RNLI – history and work
Grace Darling – lighthouses
Different parks/mountains
Renewable energy
Wind power
Natural and Man-made materials
Paper helicopters
Coding – make a jungle game
Spreadsheets – football data
In July we will have an Enterprise project – look out for news of our products!
We hope you have had a lovely Summer break and wish to welcome you all to Dosbarth Bangor. We have been busy getting everything ready for the start of term.
This term we are starting a new history-based topic about the ‘Terrible Tudors’. We have a lovely class novel which will help us to discover about what life was like and we will also be visiting a Tudor manor house called Llancaiach Fawr. You will receive more information about this in the next couple of weeks. | |
Don’t Forget… | Important Dates |
Reading books should be in school every day. Scheme books are for reading at home. Children will be taught to read using different classroom materials. We will aim to change the book once every 2 weeks, but please ask if your child needs to change their book sooner.Each child should have a named PE kit, which stays in school. Our PE sessions will be on a Wednesday.
Water bottles can be kept in lockers and children will have a cup to have drinks in the classroom. Pencil cases are not needed and should be left at home. All equipment will be provided. Each child has a locker in the cloakroom to keep their belongings in. | September 21st – Class trip – Llancaiach FawrSeptember 29th – Harvest Festival
October 20th – Super Learning Day October 30th November 6th – Half-Term November 6th –18th – Parents’ Evening November 20th – Year 5 Class Assembly December 8th – Christmas Dinner December 20th – Christmas Service/Class Party |
Staff Names | |
These are the staff that work in Dosbarth Bangor. Mrs Rees, Miss Betts, Miss Lipscombe.If you have any questions, please speak to a member of staff. We look forward to working with you and our children. | |
HomeworkChildren in Dosbarth Bangor will have Spelling and Maths homework weekly. Spelling sheets can be kept at home but Maths should be returned every week. Sometimes Maths will be set on Mathletics which is to be completed on an electronic device. Mathletics is always available for children to practice their skills. There are also going to be a ‘Menu of choice’ homework tasks that children can choose from and complete each half term – more about this next week. |
– please wear your kit, including trainers, for the whole day
Reminder – children can buy their own snack from the trolley at playtime so they can bring in 20p every day or £1 for the week. If you prefer they can bring their own healthy snack from home.
Homework will come home on Friday with the homework in and should be returned to school by the following Thursday (you can send it in sooner if you want).
Homework will include Read Write Inc spellings and Maths. Sometimes Maths will be a paper task sent home and sometimes it will be activities set on Mathletics. With the Maths sheets there will be 2 levels – one side easier, one harder – do the easier one to begin and if that’s okay, try the more difficult side (it’s okay not to do both).
Reading books should be practiced as much as possible. You can also go on to Reading Buddy or Oxford Owl websites using the children’s individual usernames and passwords to practice reading skills.
Our Pupil choice topic will be:
Design Dragons – Penguin Power
We are very excited about this one and have loads of ideas in our areas of learning. Here is what we have planned to do this half term:
To Start our spring term we will be learning all about Growth/Tyfi.
You will have a plant to take home and nurture. Please find out how to look after it and send us pictures of it’s progress!
Here are some of the fantastic William Morris inspired artwork we have done as part of our Expressive Arts sessions:

Our learning context is Fair Aware.
Here is what we have planned!
Our topic this term is:
Power and Identity
The children will be planning this in the first few weeks and are excited to find out more about their place in the world.