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18th March 2020


18th March 2020
Dear Parents, Carers and members of our school community,
I have to firstly start this letter with a series of thank you’s:
• Thank to our teachers and TAs, who have put their own health (and possibly that of their families) to one side so that they can teach, nurture, support and care for your children.
• Thank you to our admin team, who have been bombarded with emails, calls and messages from anxious parents, suppliers etc. They have cancelled, rescheduled, prioritised and overseen everything behind the scenes.
• Thank you to our catering, cleaning and caretaking team, who have been extra vigilant, taking additional precautions.
• Thank you to our Chair of Governors and Governing Body, who have been supportive.
• Thank you to our parents / carers, who have heeded the advice regarding isolation and symptoms, or who have trusted their children in our care.
• MOST OF ALL….thank you to our wonderful pupils, who have been so sensible – you have kept us all going.
I have, of course, been monitoring the ever-changing situation and responding to advice from Central and Local Governments on an hourly and daily basis. I’ve been in constant contact with the Headteachers of our Cluster of schools, who like me, have been seriously concerned about these unprecedented times.
In light of the current situation I have made the decision to CLOSE TRALLWN PRIMARY SCHOOL ON FRIDAY 20TH MARCH ONWARDS. School will not reopen for pupils on Monday 23rd March and will remain closed until such time when the Covid-19 / Coronavirus improves. This will be until further notice. We will keep you updated via texts and website links, and our Twitter feed.
I have arrived at this decision reluctantly, as I want every pupil in school, every day. However, as my staff fall ill, need to self-isolate or to care for their own families, it becomes increasingly difficult to ensure safe pupil/teacher numbers. We have taken all necessary precautions so far, which has meant we have stayed open, but I feel I have to protect my workforce and safeguard our pupils. I am totally supportive of anyone’s decision to self-isolate, or to feel the need to prioritise their family. I too have vulnerable family members.
Since the very beginning of the outbreak, my staff have been working hard on learning packs and online learning materials to support home-learning, should we need to close. I cannot thank them enough. They have done this whilst also teaching the children who have been able to attend school. Please use this time productively to engage with the home-learning activities to minimise the disruption to children’s learning.

We have added a new section to our school website dedicated to distance learning – home learning (see link below)
All children have been provided with a distance learning pack (if they have attended) which contains all of their relevant login details to allow them to continue their education at home during this time.
Year 5 and 6 pupils will be expected to engage in learning opportunities via Hwb and Google Classroom where work will be set (see class pages on the school website for additional information).
Year 3 and 4 pupils will have work provided for them via Class Dojo, the website and J2E.
Foundation Phase classes will send updates via Class Dojo and the website.                                                       Bumblebees and Dragonflies Classes will send updates via Class Dojo and the website.

I urge you all to take care of yourselves and of each other. I am happy to offer you a contact number that you can use should you need advice or assistance in any way: 07955883445. This is a school mobile phone that should only be used if you feel you need help or assistance in any way that school might be able to help with, such as distance learning, safeguarding concerns or welfare matters such as isolation. Please be mindful to use it only if necessary.
I have never been more proud of our school community, or more grateful to be a part of it. Through the most challenging of times, we have demonstrated our ability to pull together. Thank you.
With best wishes to you all,

Rebecca Barker

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