Trallwnbury Festival
(15th June-26th June)
#TeamTrallwn, we are excited to share another set of WHOLE school Challenge-Missions with you all to cover home learning for the next two weeks based on a Trallwnbury Festival (a music, dance and arts festival).
We cannot wait to see your amazing creative projects.
Please share with your class teacher.
#TeamTrallwn Trallwnbury Dance
The fabulous Zack Franks has choreographed our very own #TeamTrallwn Trallwnbury Festival Dance for us all to learn!
Here is the Trallwnbury ‘Happy Dance’ to Blinding Lights by The Weeknd.
Link Below:
Trallwnbury Dance
The video includes a tutorial of how to perform the dance, however you can skip to 13:00 minutes if they wish to just copy the dance completed.
Empathy Week
(8th June-12th June)
This week is our WHOLE SCHOOL #TeamTrallwn Empathy Week; 9th June is Empathy Day.
Empathy is a vital human force, creating happier children, stronger communities and a better world.
We’ve never needed it more than right now.
Scientists say that we can train our brain with stories, as the more we empathise with characters, the more we can understand other people’s feelings.
If you want to have an insight into the resources available for the whole family take a look here:
Here are our Champion Challenges and Missions:
Click here: Empathy Week 2020
Monday 8th June:
What is Empathy (Mark Ruffalo)
Family Definition of Empathy – Family Activity Pack
Empathy Glasses – Family Activity Pack
Book of the day:
‘The Rabbit Listened’ Cori Doerrfeld (click here: rabbit)
Tuesday 9th June:
Feeling Emotions through Music – Family Definition of Empathy
Book of the day:
‘Super Duper You’ Sophy Henn (click here: Super Duper You )
Wednesday 10th June:
Meet Your Favourite Character – Family Activity Pack
Using Art to Talk About Feelings – Family Activity Pack
Book of the day:
‘Willy the Wimp’ by Anthony Browne (click here: W t W )
Thursday 11th June:
Make Your Character_s World – Family Activity Pack
Character Pairs – Family Activity Pack
Book of the day:
‘The Steves’ by Morag Hood (click here: The Steve’s )
Friday 12th June:
Detecting Feelings in Faces -Family Activity Pack
Empathy Resolution – Family Activity Pack
Book of the day:
‘Ravi’s Roar’ Tom Percival (click here: Ravi’s Roar )
Here is further information about GREAT books to read to support the development of empathy:
Welcome Back!
Visit your Class Dojo pages to see what Champion Challenges and Missions your teachers have ready for you.
May Half Term
A massive thank you to all our #TeamTrallwn families for keeping up contact with staff at this unusual time. We all love seeing what you are doing at home.
We would have been breaking up for our Half Term today, so we will not be sharing Champion Challenges and Missions with you next week.
We will share activities for National Children’s Gardening Week and information about a Talent Competition that you may wish to look at as a family.
Mrs Banfield will also be announcing an exciting whole school competition soon!
We will set Champion Challenges and Missions again on June 1st.
#StaySafe #KindnessMatters
Half Term Family Fun!!!
Over Half Term, we are holding ‘The Great Trallwn Bake Off’!
All Staff and Pupils are invited to enter our Fun Family Bake Off Competition!

Enjoy baking and decorating a cake at home! It can be any theme or design! Please be as inventive and creative as you like! Once it’s finished, please send a picture to by Friday 29th May at 3pm with your name and class!
Our Star Bakers coming in 1st 2nd 3rd place will be announced on Monday 1st June!!!!
Good luck
National Children’s Gardening Week
Children love growing plants and love being in the garden.
Please enter the site to access many fun activities for half term:
Children’s Gardening Week Website
‘We Are Family’
The first round of the All Wales “We are Family” Talent Competition has been launched, with its own dedicated website:
There are five age-bands: KS1, KS2, KS3, KS 4 & 5 and Family.
There are four categories: Performance, Art, Creativity, Superstars with PRIZES in each category for each age band.
Closing date is the 12th June 2020 or the first 100 entries received per category (whichever comes first)
The theme is simply ‘We Are Family’. Ideas may include:
• What does family mean to you
• Who is in your family
• A family memory
• What does your family look like
The ideas and concepts are endless… as long as it relates to you and your family.
Follow the link above to find out more and enter!
Take a look at this lovely book to support children (and all family members) in this strange time:
Everybody Worries ebook
Super Family Learning Week
April 20th-24th
We are excited to offer you all a ‘Super Family Learning Week’ based on the well loved author Roald Dahl.
Please find below an overview of each of the activities that Trallwn Teachers have planned on different Roald Dahl books for all our learners to share with their families. We have also provided you with any of the resources you may need to support the task.
Please share your amazing home learning activities with your teachers either via Class Dojo, J2E, JiT, email or on Twitter.
Super Family Learning Activities Overview:
The BFG resources:
George’s Marvellous Medicine resources:
The Twits Resources:
The Magic Finger Resources:
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Resources:
descriptive words for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory activity
Golden ticket for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory activity
Roald Dahl Welsh Language Activities:
KS2 WELSH Roald Dahl Character Description
Reception & Year 1 WELSH Roald Dahl Character Description
YEAR 2 WELSH Roald Dahl Character Description
The power of kindness
Red Cross
As the UK faces a global coronavirus pandemic, things can feel a little uncertain and even overwhelming. But, during these difficult times, one thing is clear: small acts of kindness make a big difference.
Across the country, there has been an outpouring of kindness and children and young people can play their role too. By understanding what we can all do to help tackle this virus, they’ll gain a sense of stability and resilience.
The power of kindness calendar helps children and young people learn about and carry out kind acts.
Please click the link below to open a blank calendar:
You can share your kind acts on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram using #PowerofKindness and @BritishRedCross
Shape My Street competition (7-11 years)
The Welsh School of Architecture (WSA) run an annual Shape My Street competition. Due to the recent events they would like to provide this project to schools/families as a home task that children/families can complete.
Please see competition details on the link below:
Shape my Street 2020 competition
Click on the links below to access many different FREE resources to play/download at home.
Please follow this link for support on how to log-in to the HWB/J2E learning platforms to support your children’s Home Learning.
The following link takes you to a video explaining how you can support your children to upload images of their ‘non digital’ work into J2E to share with their teachers.
Due to the unprecedented set of circumstances we find ourselves in currently, class teachers regularly update home learning information which can be found on your child’s class page. Please also ensure that you have joined your child’s Class Dojo to be updated with key information and as a means of directly communicating with the class teacher.
ALL learners have a Hwb account which gives them access to a huge range of apps including:
- JiT
- Microsoft Office 365
- Google Classroom
- J2e
- Flipgrid
- Encyclopedia Britannica
Each contain a huge range of apps within them which will allow to child to continue their learning at home. For example J2Blast found in J2e which is spelling and times tables games.
All learners from Reception up have free access to the following:
- Mathletics
- Reading Buddies
KS2 Learners have access to RWInc Spelling tasks and a range of eBooks. Use the class log in.
We will continue to update this page and our website in general to support you if you are self isolating or if the Government takes the decision to shut schools. Follow us on Twitter @TrallwnPrimary for regular updates and sign up to ClassDojo (login details have been sent home in the distance learning packs).
Books to read: