The Bumblebees have a new home!
This Autumn Term, we are delighted to be settling in our new home within the school. We are now able to learn in four different areas: classroom, outdoor area, sensory room and a focus room.
These new enabling areas support the learning our wonderful children. We are still exploring and getting familiar with our new environments – it is an exciting time for pupils and staff! For the first few weeks of this new academic year, we will be focussing on making sure that our pupils feel safe and happy in their new home. We will spend time getting used to the routines of the day and identify what is working and what needs to change to make sure our children are in an environment where they are able to thrive!
Here is some important information for this term:
The Bumblebee team would like to thank you for your support this week. Our children have settled in really well, are enjoying our beautiful new learning areas and getting to know our routines really well. I’m a proud teacher!
Thank you to everyone for sending in the snack money. The snack time is such an important social and learning opportunity for our children, and supports them with their individual targets. It is a time we all enjoy.
May I remind parents to send in the £5 contribution for our cooking club, which we are hoping to start next week. Thank you to the those of you who have already done so.
Our class has kept the short staggered entry times in order to provide the best start to our children’s day. Each child is given one to one attention to carry out their morning routines, greet the staff and other children, choose their dinners and check in with how they are feeling. This has been incredibly beneficial for our children and supports them in their learning targets. It provides them with a calm start to their school day and gets them in the right mood for learning.
If you are not sure of your child’s start time, just ask us.
We do movement and gross motor skills activities everyday, and our PE session will be on Tuesday. I will contact you via individual message to let you know about PE kits.
As always, any questions or concerns you may have, please just contact me via dojo or on 01792 792478
Best wishes
Mrs Bowen & the Bumblebee Team