Croeso i Dosbarth Bumblebees!
We are the STF 1 class at Trallwn Primary for children ages 3 – 7 years.
Mrs Bowen is the class teacher and Mrs Lloyd, Miss Cox and Miss Berry are the teaching assistants.
Together we provide an enabling environment for our children to learn, develop and thrive!
Summer Term 2022
Information for parents:
**All parents of pupils in the Bumblebee class have access to our Classdojo platform. This is only available for these parents. Our Classdojo is updated throughout the week with our news, photos of our activities, and learning and celebrating our successes. This is the way to contact Mrs Bowen and Mrs Lloyd. We message parents at the end of every day to let you know what you child has been up to and how they have ben feeling during their time in school. We also give Dojos to reward and celebrate children’s achievements**
Tuesday is PE – wear joggers/leggings, t-shirt and trainers
This is a very important part our day. We sit together, try new foods, enjoy some favourite foods, and have a chat!
e use this time to develop our communication skills. We even do our own washing up!
Please send in £1 each Monday to cover the cost of snack (or you can pay for a half term/term)
Photos, please!
‘My News’
To support our children in their communication skills, it would be very useful if you would send in one or two photos of your child over the weekend. These can then be displayed on our interactive board and support your child to tell us about what they have been up to over the weekend, or during the week.
It doesn’t have to involve them doing anything spectacular (although it might!) – just a quick snapshot of something they did so that they can share this with their friends.
Photos can be sent to Mrs Lloyd via dojo message and will remain secure on the dojo site, that only she and I have access to.
As always, any questions or concerns – just ask!
Outdoor gear
Our outdoor area is very wet and muddy at the moment.
Could you please ensure that your child has:
Waterproof trousers
Waterproof coat
All in one water proof suit
Croeso, Chewy!
We had a visitor last week in our class……..the adorable Chewy!
He is a very chilled out, friendly and gentle 2 year old chocolate Labrador.
He enjoyed having lots of fuss, strokes and cuddles from the Bumblebee children who were all very excited and happy to see him!
Home learning for the Bumblebees w/c 11th January 2021
There are some new videos from Mrs Bowen on our ClassDojo story page.
There is a winter walk checklist for you try if you go out for a walk this week. If you are not able to go out, there is a checklist for walk around the house! This provides an opportunity to practise attention skills and learn some new words. Don’t forget to let Mrs Bowen know how you get on!
Don’t forget to keep practising the songs that help us learn the days of the week, months of the year and the weather. The links to all these songs are on our ClassDojo page.
Look out for Mrs Lloyd’s Storytime too. She records story videos for you to enjoy each week.:)
Home learning for the Bumblebees w/c 6th January 2021
The Flipgrid video links for this week have been posted on our ClassDojo story page.
This week we will be telling everyone all about our Christmas holiday and celebrating our talents.
We will also be starting to learn more about the winter season: what the weather is like and what we wear in the winter.