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Croeso i Dosbarth Planed! Welcome to Planet Class!

Welcome to our class web page here is some information about our class

Miss Green is the class teacher with Miss Young as the Teaching assistant 

Spring Term 2024/2025

Our Topic for Spring term will be: Amazing Oceans

We will be covering some very interesting lessons for this topic with also a mini-topic of ‘Titanic’. We will be organising a school trip to the Waterfront Museum and a local beach this term.

Please refer to our Spring Newsletter on Dojo for more information. Some important dates to note are:

14.01.2025 – Design to smile

17.01.2025 – Handwashing workshop

31.01.2025 – INSET Day

13.02.2025 – Valentines disco

23.02.2024 – HALF TERM

02.03.2025 – First day back

07.03.2025 – Eiestedfodd

21.03.2025 – INSET Day


This term our topic is ‘Welsh Myths and Legends’

Our trip to this years Pantomime Cinderella!