Welcome to our class web page here is some information about our class
Miss Green is the class teacher with Miss Young as the Teaching assistant
Spring Term 2024/2025
Our Topic for Spring term will be: Amazing Oceans

We will be covering some very interesting lessons for this topic with also a mini-topic of ‘Titanic’. We will be organising a school trip to the Waterfront Museum and a local beach this term.
Please refer to our Spring Newsletter on Dojo for more information. Some important dates to note are:
14.01.2025 – Design to smile
17.01.2025 – Handwashing workshop
31.01.2025 – INSET Day
13.02.2025 – Valentines disco
23.02.2024 – HALF TERM
02.03.2025 – First day back
07.03.2025 – Eiestedfodd
21.03.2025 – INSET Day